
During the early days of blockchain games, the term "GameFi" was prevalent. The main focus was on DeFi syntax rules and breakthrough blockchain applications, with games serving as mere decorations for blockchain technology. In GameFi, the priority was Fi over Game, and the Free-to-Play/Own concept eliminated entry costs and allowed players to concentrate more on the game's playability instead of returns on investment. Today, the market requires blockchain games to combine playability with blockchain technology and serve as a catalyst for changing the traditional gaming experience.

As playability becomes paramount for gamers, the demand for trading game assets also increases, with on-chain interactions included to enhance user experiences by giving them the feeling of truly owning game assets. They benefit from the value of immutability, transparency, and other benefits when using chain assets.

SailWars is a game that prioritizes fun, featuring SLG gameplay that stands out from other blockchain games. It offers stunning graphics and a Pixar-like style that appeals to many players. It has found a unique approach to "breaking the cycle" by creating real consumption needs, and converting Web2 players to Web3 players. SailWars provides a streamlined registration and login process similar to traditional games, while also hosting the wallets of players. This means that even Web2 users can acclimate to the platform with minimal effort, making it a straightforward experience. Web3-related Web3-related interactions such as NFTs, airdrops, membership benefits, community credentials, and other features will not impact players' gameplay experience. Finally, SailWars provides a broader opportunity for players to enhance the gameplay experience, beyond traditional games, and allows them to fully immerse themselves in the world of blockchain technology.

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